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“Legacy trims”

An allegorical representation of motherhood, the legacy of genetic and cultural heritage, her dreams and the flow of life

“From here and there, and from my grandmother as well”

Raquel Lew


I graduated in Educational Sciences in 1983 at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. I developed my professional activity in the fields of vocational orientation and educational counselling.


Aside from that, I developed my artistic activity. My stories are reflected in oil, paper, fabric and wood. An unfolding from the drawing of the human figure to abstraction.
The paintings that live inside “Legacy Trims” have life on their own. They are populated by moving cells and constant interaction. They intertwine and confront one another, they grow and divide until they release their energy that transforms into stories perpetuated in time, creating new cellular lineages that fortify and enrich the preceding ones.
Tablecloths that tell stories, tablecloths that absorb words.
“From here and there and from my grandmother as well” brings us around the table to share the hopes and emotions of three generations.