Legacy trims
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Legacy trims

The paintings that live inside “Legacy Trims” have life on their own. They are populated by moving cells and constant interaction. They intertwine and confront one another, they grow and divide until they release their energy that transforms into stories perpetuated in time, creating new cellular lineages that fortify and enrich the preceding ones.


Coming from the purest emotion, from the memories of what was learned, the memories of the experiences, of what has passed on from “Generation to Generation” emerge “Adam and Eve” “Noah’s Ark” “Psalm 150” “The Kotel” “Earth´s Rest” and “Oblivion of a Memory”.
They all speak to us about historical legacy/heritage and Jewish culture.


Yesterday´s events merge with the present. My origins and the memories of the past emerge in my paintings, almost without noticiing. I reunite with my grandma and my mother in their absence. They stay with me in my present, in my “Shabbat Table” in my “Dreams” in my “Memories” in my “Vases” and in “Life Itself”.


My daughters, the “Offspring” of this chain, mine/their “Maternities” conclude in one single “Gestation”.